Our Seminars, Workshops, and Retreats are primarily directed towards the overall development of human consciousness and are extensions to our therapy work.

These events are especially suited for those that are ready to heal on all levels, deepen their intimacy and free themselves from guilt, resentment, shame, fear, and anxiety. And, by demonstration of their life contribute to the betterment of all mankind.

Guided by our inner knowing about the sacredness of all of life, we are dedicated to present a depth of knowledge about human behaviour, relationships, sexuality and mental health so each participant can move beyond their perceived limitations. Working with authentic practices and principles we present the means and disciplines by which to systemically dismantle the ego’s false perceptions in order to move beyond limitations into the essence of joy, fulfilment, truth, and love. The teachings become stepping stones that help restore the mind to its fullness. They bring one to a place of accessing their own internal wisdom and act as a guiding principle towards a new awareness of inner Self Realisation.

We provide an atmosphere of unconditional positive regard, and safety while supporting each person at their own level of unfoldment. Like so many things, change is only hard and slow when we don’t know what to do. Together we work with you to close the gap between where you are and where you want to be.


Below are some popular Seminars, Workshops & Retreats

Quantum Healing Workshop

Do you know that locked into our human body via our DNA are brilliance and mastery, but at the moment it is only working at approximately 30 percent? Please follow […]

Abiding within a Spiritual Relationship

A two-day workshop for couples in love, couples in crisis and couples who are committed to deepening their love for one another and for God. Please follow and like us:

A Journey from Fear to Love

What would the real you be like, without a facade? Don’t you owe it to yourself to find out? Please follow and like us:

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