Online Counselling

Anywhere Anytime.

Now that we live in a high-speed digital world, we can connect with people in ways that were unheard of only a few years ago. Distance has become a thing of the past, and it makes no difference if you live next door or across the world.

Technologies have now opened the way for a revolution in online training, counselling, and coaching, making it not only easily accessible and time-saving but also appealing.

What kinds of therapies work online?

In general, most types of counselling and coaching work very well online. Using programs such as Zoom and WhatsApp makes online counselling a desirable and effective alternative to face-to-face counselling, especially for housebound individuals, those with tight schedules, people who travel extensively, and people living in rural or isolated areas far from a therapist’s office. Research has also shown that young people take online counselling very well. This is because they have already become comfortable with the internet and social media and see it as a standard communication method.

More about counselling

Online counselling is similar to its face-to-face counterpart; however, instead of having to visit your therapist, you can receive the same professional care online. And the best thing is that you can have a session with your therapist from anywhere in the world.

istock_000017371956small_wide-ad7975772d1a21fc567de7b862146113139a324f-s6-c30Are there limitations to working online?

For some people, being physically present with their therapist or coach feels like an essential part of the experience, especially if they are not tech-savvy, so they usually dismiss the idea of working online.

Also, the scope of therapy tends to be limited, especially when it comes to more severe mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, bipolar and severe post-traumatic stress that require a greater degree of physical presence and direct treatment. However, in most situations, online counselling, coaching, and mentoring are highly effective.

Sometimes, online counselling is the only option.

We use Skype video conferencing, which enables us to reach our clients across borders. Many people meet us online because they wouldn’t be able to otherwise. We meet with people from all over the world, but even stay-at-home parents who meet with us during nap time or in the evening, which is perfect for them because otherwise, they’d have to get a babysitter to come to our clinic. Enjoy the benefits of being coached, mentored or counselled in the comfort of your home or office with privacy, no travel time, and flexible scheduling that caters to your busy life.

How much does it cost?

Our online therapy costs similar to face-to-face therapy because it involves the same amount of work. However, we do offer a range of packages that attract benefits. We handle payments through PayPal or direct debit before the session. We also have a subscription program that gives you more flexibility and greater access to your therapist.

How do I get started?

All you need is a computer, tablet, or smartphone with an internet connection, and then we can connect with you via Zoom, WhatsApp, phone, or other messaging services. Just email us, preferably through the contact page, explaining your interest in receiving online counselling. We will then reply as soon as possible, answer your questions and let you know if we think working online is the right option for you and the payment options. Then, if you want to get started, we will conduct an initial session to gather information and explore the best way to move forward together. If, for some reason, you do not wish to continue with the therapy or would like a different therapist, we are happy to accommodate your wishes.

We are here to provide support for you to change and grow.

If you want to try online counselling or have questions, please get in touch with us now.

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