The Science of Nadis
Nadi LocationsYoga practice can only go so far until you develop a good understanding of the pranic system of nadis and chakras. All Yoga asanas (postures), pranayama (breathing practices) madras (postures of attitude) and bhanda’s (energy locks) are performed to stimulate the flow of prana through the nadis and activate the chakras.
All this has the ultimate intention of awakening what is known in yoga as Kundalini – the evolutional energy in man. Nadis are not physical in nature but rather channels for the flow of consciousness. The literal meaning of nadi is ‘flow’. These are the pathways that allow our whole system to function. In this way, prana (vital force) flow through the pranic body or energy field.
There are said to be around 72,000 or more such channels or networks through which the stimuli flow like electric current from one point to another. Through these 72,000 nadis that cover the whole body the flow of currents and energy go to all the different organs and body tissues. This network can be likened to the electricity system of a town, having the main generator and substations to distribute the energy. All functions of our human life are maintained by this unseen network.
Ida, Pingala and Sushumna Naids
Within this network of nadis, there are ten main channels, and of these ten, three are most important for they control the flow of prana and consciousness within all the other nadis of the body. These three nadis are called Ida, Pingala and Sushumna.
Ida nadi controls all the mental processes while pingala nadi controls all the vital processes. Ida is known as the moon, and pingala as the sun. A third nadi, shushumna travels directly up the centre of the spine and is the channel for the awakening of spiritual consciousness. As sushumna flows inside the central canal of the spinal cord, ida and pingala simultaneously flow on the outer surface of the spinal cord, still within the bony vertebral column. Ida, pingala and sushumna nadis begin in mooladhara chakra in the pelvic floor. From there, sushumna flows directly upwards within the central canal, while ida passes to the left and pingala to the right. At swadhisthana chakra, or the sacral plexus, the three nadis come together again and ida and pingala cross over one another. Ida passes up to the right, pingala to the left, and sushumna continues to flow directly upwards in the central canal. The three nadis come together again at manipura chakra, the solar plexus, and so on. Finally, ida, pingala and sushumna meet in the pineal gland – ajna chakra.
Ida and pingala function in the body alternately and not simultaneously. If you observe your nostrils, you will find that generally one is flowing freely and the other is blocked. When the left nostril is open, it is the lunar energy or ida nadi which is flowing. When the right nostril is free, the solar energy or pingala nadi is flowing. Investigations have shown that when the right nostril is flowing, the left hemisphere of the brain is activated. When the left nostril is flowing, the right hemisphere is activated. This is how the nadis or energy channels control the brain and consciousness.
If these two energies – pingala and Ida, life and consciousness, can be made to function simultaneously, then both hemispheres of the brain can be made to function simultaneously bringing about a state of greatly heightened awareness, a metamorphosis of perception that is sometimes called enlightenment, nirvana, samadhi, god-consciousness etc.
In ordinary life this does not happen because the simultaneous awakening and functioning of life force and consciousness can take place only if the central canal – sushumna, is activated and the energy is able to flow unrestricted. If sushumna can be stimulated and made to flow it can reactivate the brain cells and recreate a new physical structure.
The importance of awakening Sushumna
Sushumna nadi is regarded as a hollow tube in which there are three more concentric tubes, each being progressively more subtle than the previous one. The tubes or nadis are the three states of consciousness known as tamas, rajas and satwa or body, mind and soul. The moment awakening takes place in mooladhara chakra; the energy begins to flow through sushumna nadi up to ajna chakra.
Mooladhara chakra is just like a powerful generator. In order to start this generator, you need some sort of pranic energy. This pranic energy is generated through pranayama (breathing practice). When you practise pranayama you generate energy and this energy is forced down by a positive pressure which starts the generator in mooladhara. Then this generated energy is pushed upward by a negative pressure and forced up to ajna chakra.
Therefore, awakening of sushumna is just as important as awakening of mooladhara. Supposing you have started your generator but you have not plugged the cable. The generator will keep running but distribution will not take place. You have to connect the plug into the generator so the generated energy can pass through the cable to the different areas of your house.
When only ida and pingala are active and not sushumna, only a small trickle of energy flows through to ajna and sahasrara chakra at the crown of the head. When there is current flowing in ida, pingala and sushumna a means of communication between the higher and lower dimensions of consciousness is established, then enlightenment takes place.
There are many diverse paths of Yoga but all of them at the core, understand this system of Nadis and Chakras as it is fundamental to purpose of yoga which is awakening ones higher consciousness.
Even if one does not practice Yoga and has never heard of Chakras or Nadis, evolution still goes on regardless. It is just a whole lot slower. Each chakra represents a certain level or attribute of evolution and they become more subtle as they go up. These energies can be awakened by other means such as intense one-pointedness of mind or complete devotion to God. However for most of us the evolution is slow because we cannot generate such devotion or one-pointedness. Therefore we can go through a whole lifetime with little real change even if we have been highly dedicated to a religion or spiritual group. It is for this reason that Yoga is so useful, Yoga does not care what religion you practice or what theology you subscribe to, it just offers a wide range practical methods to accelerate the process.
As one progresses though the stages of evolution, many changes take place in the student’s life. On a physical level, you will find that you are more healthy and vibrant. Mentally, you are more energised and alert causing you to have a heightened awareness. In other words you become wise because you are now able to instantly access the deeper layers of your consciousness.
You have all heard the saying “The truth will set you free”. Well the truth is experienced at many different levels along the path of your evolution and each time you rise to a higher octave, you experience a truth and a greater freedom regardless of the circumstances you may be living in.
Limited thought and fixated ideas will retard your growth; personal evolution is more a matter of emptying the mind of concepts of how it should be, rather than learning a whole lot of science or theology. If we look to the great masters, east or west it we see that they lived their truth regardless of what other people thought and in spite of the social or political situations at the time. “The truth has set them free”.