The Law of Attraction in Action!
Everything we truly desire we get! Period.
So why are we not always getting what we want? What we ask for and what we really desire are often quite different.
If we pay close attention to what we are experiencing in any given situation, we will find that the law of attraction exposes what we really believe and feel on a soul level. For example, if we have a lack mentality or a sense that we are unworthy, we will attract situations, people and conditions that seem to intensify what we feel on a soul level. Until we become conscious of those beliefs and emotions and we become willing to release them, we cannot effect any real change in that area. When we are ready to experience and release the underlying emotions that prevent the manifestation of our true desire, then the law of attraction changes and we manifest our desires. Therefore, if right now you are not getting what you think you want, you need to ask yourself these questions:
What beliefs or emotions am I holding within myself that has caused this event/person/thing to be attracted to me? What do I truly desire in my soul? Once you are conscious of the beliefs, feelings and ideas that are preventing the manifestation of your desire, you can then begin to release them.
Some important points to remember:
Do not define yourself by what you see and feel now. You can grow your desire in perfect alignment with your heart’s longing once you know what you actually want. It is very important to emotionally (not just mentally) create in your mind what you want, with complete trust that the desire will manifest. You must learn to develop and cultivate an emotional openness of gratitude to receive the inspiration that will bring about the manifestation of the desire. Inspiration must be followed with action. Faith without works yields no results.
Enjoy your creations.