Sankalpa (mp3)


Deep Relaxation with Yoga Nidra & Affirmations

SANKALPA takes you into a deeply relaxing and powerful state of deep relaxation and personal transformation.

The practices of Yoga Nidra, Sankalpa, and Affirmations included in this recording are powerful tools for reducing resistance, removing negative patterns and implanting positive suggestions. However, they are not intended to replace the inner work of aligning belief systems and healing emotional wounds; rather they are intended to support such work.

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SANKALPA takes you into a deeply relaxed transcendent state where personal transformation is possible.
Through the practices of Yoga Nidra, Sankalpa and the creative visualisation included in this recording, resistance to change is reduced, negative patterns are removed and positive suggestions implemented.

Yoga Nidra has been practised for thousands of years. It originally came from the ancient yogic traditions and is commonly known as psychic-sleep. It is a form of guided progressive relaxation that induces a profound experience of total relaxation of mind and body, which could be described as a state of deep conscious sleep.
During Yoga Nidra, the mind is progressively directed to move from the beta state, into the alpha state, where time and space diminish, into the theta state that emerges in a deep sleep and then to the deepest and most restorative brainwave, the delta brainwave.

In the second part of the CD, you are guided to declare and implant your personal Sankalpa. A Sankalpa is a Sanskrit word for resolution or resolve. It is a short personal statement of positive intent that resonates deep within the core of your being.

In the last part of CD, we move into a quiet and peaceful state, beyond thought and imagery where you will connect with your Greater Self and engage in a powerful healing of body and mind. In this state, you receive positive affirmations that will connect you with deeper parts of your being.
There are many benefits to the regular use of this practice: It harmonises the nervous system, alleviates insomnia, chronic pain, stress, fear, anger, and anxiety. It improves overall health and vitality. It also helps, recharge, rejuvenate and awaken creativity. This CD also provides an excellent platform for deep transcendent meditation and self-healing.


The music in this recording has been technically produced using synchronised binaural beats, isochronic tones and amplitude modulation and is perfect for deep transcendent relaxation, and subconscious reprogramming.

For the brain to readily respond to the binaural tones, this recording is best listened to through headphones.

Additional information

Weight55 g
Dimensions140 × 125 × 5 mm


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