Live Your Desired State NOW!
Life is a sacred journey. It’s about change, growth, discovery, transformation. Expanding our vision of what’s possible and learning to access our multi- dimensional consciousness. Yet sometimes we find it hard to change. Why is that so?
Imagine that you’ve had an experience in the past that caused you suffering. You have thought about that particular experience again and again until those memories become almost automatic and suffering become a way of experiencing the world. In fact, you related other events in your life to that experience and before you knew it your life become coloured by those same familiar feelings. And, anytime you try to change something about yourself, you quickly discover that the change is short lived and you go right back to being the old self.
Think about it for a moment: – If memories of resentment, lack, betrayal, ill health or loss have been fuelling your thoughts for years, how can you expect anything to change? Those thoughts and feelings have become automatic subconscious programs and the conscious mind no longer has much to do with your behaviour or the way you feel. So, a person may consciously want to be happy, heal the body or enjoy a fulfilling relationship, career or life, but the repeated cycling of those thoughts and emotions have subconsciously conditioned the body to have a physical experience that correlates to that emotion. Hence, the body and mind will stay the same as long as you are feeling the same way.
So, for change to be effective and long lasting you have to ‘unlearn’ thoughts and emotions that have become part of your personality and have produced disempowering feelings states in the body. For, when the mind and body are in opposition, change will never happen. So, if you really want a new experience, you first have to stop being the old self and begin to observe all aspects of your personal reality. The purpose of becoming consciously aware is so that you no longer allow any subconscious thoughts and behaviours to run your life. By no longer thinking the thoughts that created the disempowering feelings, you free up the energy to create a new life – a new personality.
Live Your Desired State NOW!
The good news is that you don’t need to wait for the external conditions to change to begin to alter the way you feel and experience reality. You can make a permanent shift, re-write the subconscious programs and awaken the wisdom of your true nature NOW!
Locked into our Human body via our DNA is brilliance and mastery, which is currently only working at approximately 30%. The various masters that have lived on the planet had 80% or more of the DNA activated. Each of them had the empowerment of the Creator manifested within their being.
The Gift of Activating the DNA
Can we increase the percentage of our DNA and enhance the power we have within ourselves? Yes indeed. This is what the shift is all about. The new energy on the planet supports the activation of the greater part of us and if we understand what this involves; we too can create a new state of being that will produce substantial shifts and lasting fulfilment in our consciousness and biology. We’ve known about this in the past, but we have lost that knowledge. It’s about time that we remember and return to a state that we deserve, a state where we begin a purposeful enhancement of consciousness within ourselves and on this planet.
About DNA
Science has not yet been able to see the multidimensional properties or the quantum attributes of DNA. In fact, science considers our brain to be the centre of consciousness, but it is not. The brain is only the physical engine that responds to the 90% quantumness of our DNA. It receives information that creates electrical signals that do as they are instructed by the DNA.
DNA was designed to work in two parts, much like the chemistry has been itemized in the Human genome. Less than 5% is linear, (observable) and the majority is waiting to be activated. Think of it as 5% being the genomic engine and 95% being the instructions for that engine to work.
So, there is more to DNA then just the 5% protein encoded portion that operates our biochemical functions. Much more…….
We know that DNA is totally unique to each human being. It isn’t static. It’s changing every day of our life. What do you allow? What don’t you allow? What kind of vibration are you taking on… or fighting from developing? The DNA knows what’s happening in every part of your body. It’s a dynamic system. DNA is not set for life – we are not ‘stuck’ with anything. We might have a biological imprint, but we have the power to change the stories, beliefs and emotional wounds written in our DNA and therefore the power to change the code. The old energy paradigm kept us as victims, but in the new energy paradigm we can shift from victim to creator: we can heal, clear and generate new patterns of health and wellness.
But this does not happen automatically. Free choice means that we are required to direct and re-program our DNA with new instructions. And, as we change the instructions and Repattern the Quantum part of the DNA, so too will the biological imprint change.
Can you imagine the tremendous healing energy and power that is available within the DNA just waiting for quantum instructions to systemically change its own design?
The time is Now!
“Whatever you were born with doesn’t matter. You can shift your biology and your countenance and strengths into whatever you desire. You can Repattern the DNA itself. You can access virtues and wisdom to the point at which your DNA holds what you’ve learned over all of your lifetimes.
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