Surviving Relationships during the Pandemic!
Free Download: Calming Caress CD – Releasing Anxiety
As the pandemic of the coronavirus is spreading, the stress of living in isolation is taking its toll on some people and pushing them over the brink. This has become very apparent in working with clients who are increasingly reporting that anxiety and stress are high and that they are taking some of the fear and frustration out on one another. Even couples that would usually relate quite well can be prone to lashing out at each other in the face of difficult situations.

Causes of Anxiety and Panic Disorders
One of the biggest questions asked by psychopathologists is what causes emotional and behavioural disorders. The answer may ultimately lead to developing preventative interventions that reduce the likelihood of the disorder ever occurring.

A gifts of Love this Christmas 2024
Christmas is celebrated worldwide, often with various traditions that include special foods, decorations, gifts, and gatherings. Yet, in the busyness of it all, we can sometimes miss the true spirit of Christmas.
Accelerated Transformational Healing
This is the fastest and most effective way to achieve transformational breakthroughs that may not be possible with traditional therapy alone. For more information click the link: Accelerated Transformational Healing
Recognising Our Own Greatness
Most people identify themselves with their body and circumstances and thus create a self-image that reflects what they observe. Unfortunately, many people’s self-image does not live up to what they believe is acceptable. As a result, they often become critical, judgemental and nonaccepting of themselves which leads to feelings of inadequacy fear and rejection.
Making Peace with What Is
We live in a society that promotes notions of perfection to such an extent that we feel guilty and helpless when we perceive that we fall short of meeting them. We plead for the release of unpleasing conditions rather than understanding why the condition is upon us in the first place.
What is this moment offering me?
Throughout the day we will be confronted with many opportunities to be disturbed and many opportunities to be in joy. And in each moment we are given the blessing to choose how we will respond and feel.
The Gift of Relationships
Relationships can be a tremendous source of joy, both on a physical level and because they pave the way for us to awaken to God and to unconditional love. However, we must be willing to view and approach them from a broader perspective.
The Law of Attraction in Action!
Everything we truly desire we get! Period.
So why are we not always getting what we want? What we ask for and what we really desire are often quite different.
Balance & Harmony
Wherever we find ourselves, and in whatever circumstances, we can bring love and acceptance to it or we can bring fear, anxiety, and resistance. What we bring to it will give rise to a completely new experience.
Healing Gender Resentment
When we enter a relationship, we each bring a degree of unresolved gender resentment. Because of this, many relationships suffer serious consequences as soon as something triggers the resentment.