Akashic Awakening
Some of us are having profound remembering experiences. We call some of these experiences, déjà vu – a term which means that we have a sense that we have experienced the energy before. Other times, we may meet a person and at some level, we are convinced that we have met that person before.
He/she feels very familiar to us, like a family member or a really good friend, yet we know that we have never met that person before. In fact, more and more of us are awakening to the most profound lives that we have ever had and there is a reason why all of this is happening now!
What’s going on?
Well, we could say that we’re starting to have an ‘Akashic Awakening’ on a global scale.
Some of you may be familiar with the term ‘Akash’- sometimes also referred to as ‘The Book of Life’; a record of every individual who has ever lived on this planet. Much more than simply a storehouse of information, the Akashic Records contains a history of everything that we have ever experienced during our lifetimes, especially those lifetimes on Earth.
There are other attributes that go beyond human life which are contained in the Akash, but for most people those are well hidden from ordinary consciousness. Unlike day to day memories, The Akash is not contained in the brain; it’s in the multidimensional part of the DNA. It’s not linear, and can’t be remembered like we remember an event with the brain in a traditional way; it’s more complex than that as everything within the Akash exists in a multidimensional way – within a ‘quantum soup’ – intermixed. It’s only our bias of linearity that allows us to separate everything that is contained within the ‘quantum soup’ as past, present or future lives. But in truth, time is in a circle; it has no beginning and no end.
Why is Akashic Awakening important?
The energy of the planet has shifted, we have spoken about this before, and the light and dark balance of consciousness is altering greatly. Now more than ever it is important to remember who we are, why we are here and why we feel the way we do. For, living lifetimes over and over in the old energy has created issues of self-worth and lack for many old souls. But now in this new energy, we have a profound potential to heal those blockages and to do things differently than before. Negative energies from ‘other lives’ do not have to have the influence that they used to have in the old energy. We don’t have to suffer and we don’t have to be in lack and at the mercy of those past energies. We can claim and receive talents that have been buried and forgotten. We can remember love, compassion, success, and abundance. It’s all there in the Akash. Indigenous people, shamans, healers, and psychics have always known how to access the circle of life in the Akash, because they realise it contains valuable information.
Imagine, what you can experience out of the traditional box?
There are so many things there for you to claim if you want them. You can discover the truth about the past and put the future into perspective so that you can have all the self-worth, joy, health, love and success that you deserve. You can leave this planet differently than when you came.
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