Recognising Our Own Greatness
Most people identify themselves with their body and circumstances and thus create a self-image that reflects what they observe. Unfortunately, many people’s self-image does not live up to what they believe is acceptable. As a result, they often become critical, judgemental and nonaccepting of themselves which leads to feelings of inadequacy fear and rejection.
If we are to avoid such self-condemnation and have a kind, loving relationship with our self, we must learn to change how we derive our self-image and liberate our mind from negative thoughts about who we think we are. Furthermore, we must direct our mind toward the greater truth of our being and reject everything that hinders that awareness.
The mind of itself cannot give us any sovereign knowledge about who we are apart from what it sources through the senses and its memory. However, we are not left without access to spiritual knowledge; we just have to find it in other places such as intuition, imagination and revelation. Sometimes flashes of intuition or inspiration come when we least expect them, especially when we withdraw our strong focus on physical reality and turn our attention inward. We are then able to see the truth of our conditioned responses and stop clinging to yesterday or tomorrow, which allows for a new awareness to arise in the present moment.
Our vigilance for spiritual truth and commitment to relinquish everything that is false may at first take a significant amount of effort, but at some point the process becomes automatic, requiring little focus to maintain. After that, we tend to avoid thoughts that make us feel less than we really are which leaves space for self-love to emerge.
When our heart is full of love for our self, and we no longer desire to become anything other than what we are, we realise that within our self is all that is. Then we will finally recognise our own greatness.
Blessings and Love,
Angelica and Terence Atman