We are at a choice point in our evolution where we can create a consciousness shift inter-dimensionally.
Consciousness, by its very nature, is quantum. The Human brain was designed to think quantum. It is because we insist on relying on logic and reason that our biological synapses in the brain continue to be the primary drivers of our reality. For example, when we use a linear concept, time has a past, present and future.
The clock only goes in one direction – forward. There’s no such thing as a clock that goes up and down or left and right. It just goes forward. And that’s the way we think. We take that linear logic and apply it to everything. If we look at time in a quantum state, we observe that time is in a circle; and if time is in a circle, then the past affects what we do next. At the same time, the future can also change the past and the present. So, in a quantum state, there is no clock, there is no time. No actual place where anything is. Energy is everywhere together, all as one, working together, it morphs depending what the other one does. So we might say that we have a system that shifts and changes depending upon what the whole needs. Complex for the linear brain to grasp, isn’t it?
Now, just for a moment, open your heart and allow yourself to imagine that every experience you’ve ever had in the past or the future are in front of you. They are not in the past or future, but rather they’re in a quantum state – happening now. Now, choose one where you had the qualities or attributes you desire, such as playfulness, joy, peace, perfect health, etc. and place it upon yourself NOW! This is a taste of the quantum human being who can go back or forth and apply these attributes to their lives.
How is this possible?
Within our DNA is the blueprint of everything and how it all works in a quantum state. All that knowledge is there to tap into, and we have all the spiritual and biological attributes waiting to be activated. There is a tremendous healing energy, waiting for quantum instructions to change its own design systematically. DNA is aware. It is more aware than we are of what we need, both spiritually and biologically, but not at the default setting. At birth, our default DNA setting operates at around thirty to thirty-five per cent. The Masters that have walked this planet had the same DNA as we have; the only difference was that it was activated at more than eighty-five per cent.
Through free choice we have accepted a lower consciousness state; hence, human consciousness has been unbalanced for eons. But now, we sit in a great shift, and we have the potential of returning to the quantum state. The DNA, that multidimensional sacred part of us is ready to be activated. Of course, we have our free choice to choose to move into this quantum state or not.
There are many ways and processes we can use to activate the DNA such as through meditation, music, sound vibrations, energy work and physical and spiritual interventions. But the truth is DNA will respond to the power of pure intent.
Here we will address new information about DNA and discoveries that are changing scientific thinking and opening up a new paradigm for health and wellness. We will share powerful ways for re-activating your own quantum DNA and Multi-Dimensional Self. And, also we will present how to access the power of your Akash so that you can start remembering the wisdom that you have gained throughout life.
Finally, we would like to say that darkness will try to win now that the light has been turned on. It has one potent tool, and that tool is fear. This tool can get to all of us. If we are afraid, it has won. Let your light shine throughout this incredible shift and work toward a new four letter word “LOVE”.