
Click here to download the Beyond Stress presentation

A Healthy Staff -A Healthy Bottom Line.

Whether you run a small business or a large organisation, we can help your staff and managers maximise performance and reduce stress. We are committed to delivering knowledge and strategies that foster lasting transformation and increased resilience. Furthermore, we provide support to staff and managers, helping them to minimise stress and improve wellbeing and performance.

Leveraging the best resources, western psychological training, and eastern teachings, we deliver real solutions that utilise an integral process to change affecting the whole person, ‘Body-Mind and Spirit’. People become motivated to make positive lasting changes in their attitudes and beliefs, and they learn to balance the demands of work, home, family, and the environment. This, in turn, cultivates a vast improvement in the company culture that positively affects the whole organisation.

The Cost of Stressed Employees to an Organisation

The implications of stress on employees are now being recognised as a major factor that impacts their productivity. Research shows that at least 3.2 days per worker are lost each year directly through workplace stress. An additional six working days of productivity are lost per employee each year due to presenteeism. That is a huge 9.2 days per year.

  • Total cost to the economy $ 14.81 billion p/a.
  • Direct cost to employers $ 10.11 billion p/a.

The figures shown above do not reflect the hidden cost of re-staffing and re-skilling when stress results in staff turnover.

If organisations can reduce stress, not only can they reduce this cost, they can also increase productivity. And, effective stress management is the best way of doing this. Many studies have focused specifically on the Return On Investment (ROI) from employees wellness programs.

The Benefit-To-Cost Ratios, or (ROI) ranges from $2.49 to $10.38 in benefits received per dollar spent on the program for each employee. (U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services)

New workplace safety regulations from 1 January 2012 mean Australian employers are now responsible not only for their staff’s physical safety but also for their psychological wellbeing.

Body-mind-soulAbout the Program

For decades, we have been researching and studying the relationship between body, mind and spirit along with the corresponding associations between the body and its response to internal and external stressors. What we discovered consequently altered our whole approach to stress relief and stress management programs. Hence, over the years, we have developed and perfected a uniquely powerful and positive approach to stress relief that not only provides a strong knowledge base and techniques for releasing stress but brings together physical and mental disciplines that help empower and increase the overall well-being and productivity of each participant.

While the emphasis is on prevention, our aim is also to help participants release accumulated stresses so that they can be clear-minded, relaxed and focused. Solutions are based on the whole person rather than general symptoms.
The focus is on the cause of the stress, and the goal is to eliminate the stress by encouraging the person to strive for wholeness, healthy living, and a balanced lifestyle. It not only helps people to release stress on a physical level but also releases stress at the level of mind.

This means:

  • It becomes part of the way people live their lives.
  • It provides longer-lasting results due to a significant impact on attitude and behaviour.
  • It aids the development of healthy mental and emotional skills that enhance peak performance at home and in the workplace.


Benefits of minimising workplace stress

There are measurable benefits to the EmployerStress-Relief-Wheel

  • Increased productivity and profitability
  • Reduced absenteeism and presenteeism
  • Reduced staff turnover
  • Decreased recruitment and retraining costs
  • Improvements in morale and employees relations
  • Stronger employee loyalty
  • Prevention of further stress

And tangible benefits to the Employees

  • Employees feel happier at work and perform better
  • They become clearer minded, relaxed and focused
  • They have Increased vitality and overall wellbeing
  • Greater workplace satisfaction
  • Improved decision-making ability
  • Boosted morale, motivation, and creativity


More about the program

While the emphasis is on prevention, our aim is also to help participants release accumulated stresses so that they can be clear-minded, relaxed and more productive. Using the science of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Motivation, Deep Relaxation, Breath Control, Yoga Movements, Visualisation, and Meditation, participants are equipped with practical tools to manage stress in a very proactive and efficient way. A growing body of scientific research supports the remarkable benefits of combining cognitive behavioural change with relaxation, education and yoga to repair much of the damage caused by stress.


Attaining Success and Clarity

We also identify pre-existing conditions, beliefs and patterns already setup within a persons’ mind that make them prone to stress. Then we show how those beliefs and habits can be changed. Also, we demonstrate how to attain success and clarity of mind in a competitive environment without adversely suffering from the effects of stress. This is actually Possible.

Techniques and Activities

We apply a range of varied techniques and activities that facilitate different learning styles.

These include a combination of short educational sessions about:

  • The nature of stress and how to reduce it.
  • The mind-body connection and its responses to stress.possible
  • The necessity of proper breathing.
  • The benefits of mindfulness meditation.
  • How to foster and maintain mental clarity and creativity.
  • How to cultivate emotional well-being and greater health.
  • The importance of keeping a positive mindset.

Shoulder-RotationsHow to use imagery and positive affirmations to better work performance and improve the overall experience of life.

Yoga Movements & Breathing Practices


Participants will learn various relaxation techniques, breathing practices, and simple yoga postures that release muscle tension, calm the nervous system, steady the mind and improve overall health and vitality.

These techniques can be easily practised by anyone regardless of age or fitness level. They do not require the use of any specialised equipment nor do they need special clothes. In fact, there is no reason to change out of normal office wear.


Beyond Stress – Pure Relaxation CDBeyond-Stress-600x600

Also, to help integrate relaxation into their daily life, each participant will receive a copy of our Beyond Stress – Pure Relaxation CD, which has been specially developed for this program.

The CD with its soothing, relaxing music, synchronised binaural beats and nature sounds, induces a state of deep relaxation; similar to what would be achieved in therapy and efficiently relieves tension, accumulated stress and anxiety.

Also, with its use of positive affirmations, it is designed to condition the subconscious belief systems so that one can adopt the habits of being naturally relaxed, positive, productive and clear-minded.

HappyCatThe Program Structure:

Before beginning the program, our first job is to meet with you and conduct a needs analysis. We then customised the program to suit the specific needs of your company.

The Beyond Stress program can also be delivered progressively or in larger segments. It can be delivered as a 4 hour or a full-day workshop or incorporated into an existing conference or retreat making an ideal supplement to any staff training.

More Value:

Research studies have found that after initial training, participants usually go through a levelling off period of between 4 to 12 weeks that marks a decline in enthusiasm. We aim to avoid this tendency by engaging each person for a further eight weeks through e-mail with weekly reminders and prompts that keep the mind active and productive.



The VIP Package:

VIP delegates are invited to attend a relaxing Weekend Country Retreat. An opportunity to rejuvenate and relax and let go of the daily pressures of life. The retreat includes overnight accommodation, all meals, workshop materials and activities. Delegates will leave feeling refreshed, invigorated and ready to create.




Program Assurance and Guarantee

If people practice the strategies and tools taught during the program, they will see tangible and lasting improvements in their work and daily 100-Satisfactionlife. We guarantee it! Or we will continue providing them support until they do.


We look forward to working with you and your company.

Contact us Now to Schedule a Free Consultation


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