Yoga Nidra and Sankalpa
Yoga Nidra deep relaxation is an art as well as a science; it transforms life into an expression of well-being and calmness. The principles behind this practice are based on sound evidence that has been tried and tested for thousands of years.
Science has also put relaxation under scrutiny and found it to be a vital necessity for modern man, especially for those living a hectic and stressful lifestyle.
Relaxation sounds so very easy: just close your eyes and relax. However, for most people relaxation is not so easy, the mind becomes tense, the breath erratic, and the body cannot get comfortable when sitting. It has become almost unnatural for us to be in a state of relaxation without the use of some distraction such as television, food, or alcohol. Unfortunately, this form of relaxation is not real relaxation; rather it is a tactic to remove the mind from its previous activity and reduce the anxiety.
Because most people are unable to relax, they do not realise that their life can improve with this one change. It is such a simple thing yet it can bring such wonderful benefits.
Relaxation means to release tension in both the mind and body for a period of time in order to allow complete rest and revitalisation. This is the whole reason for sleep, but because of the tension-filled lives most people live today, sleep no longer performs its functions properly.
Many people find that they do not relax properly even during sleep. The mind continues to worry and to try to solve their problems. This does not lead to the proper rest that the body and mind require. Subsequently many people wake up in the morning still exhausted and want to sleep in as long as possible.
It is a vicious circle, for they again go to sleep with the tensions of the day as well as the exhaustion that has accumulated from many nights of inadequate sleep. Some eventually suffer from insomnia or other
It is a vicious circle, for they again go to sleep with the tensions of the day as well as the exhaustion that has accumulated from many nights of inadequate sleep. Some eventually suffer from insomnia or other sleep disorders. It is for this reason that modern man needs to know systematic techniques that specifically induce conscious relaxation on a deep level. Sleep is very necessary, but it needs to be supplemented with something that can quickly and efficiently remove anxiety and stress. People with anxiety or nervous tension should consider this as a daily routine.
It is true that those individuals who can quickly relax can do more work, enjoy life more, need less sleep, and tend to have smoother social relationships. For this reason, we recommend the practice everyone.
Yoga Nidra has the effect of putting the body into a deep sleep while keeping the mind alert; it is often called psychic sleep. It is achieved through a systematic relaxation technique that tracks the body parts in relation to their corresponding position in the motor cortex of the brain.
This state is ideal for implanting your personal Sankalpa, as the subconscious mind is in a perfect receptive condition.
Unlike the conscious repetition of affirmation, Sankalpa is correctly inserted into the subconscious mind while in the deeply relaxed state of Yoga Nidra.
Sankalpa is a Sanskrit word for resolve or resolution. It is a short statement of intent that resonates deep within the core of your being. You could say that it is your heartfelt desire, a declaration of purpose that is in full alignment with your essence.
If you don’t already have a Sankalpa, one way to formulate one is to think and feel what would give the greatest meaning, joy, and purpose to your life.
Make sure that the statement you choose is congruent with your beliefs, values, and your physiology. And it is important that you choose an intent that is fully under your control and doesn’t depend on anyone else. Otherwise, it is not well formed, and eventually, the saboteurs will kick in.
A well formed Sankalpa has a direct bearing on the flow towards achieving the desired results. It makes the difference between wanting something in theory and becoming able to get it in practice.
Helpful hint to formulating a well formed Sankalpa:
- What do I really desire at the core of my being?
- Is my desire congruent with my beliefs, values, and my other desires?
- Is achieving my intent within my control?
- What will I accept as evidence that I have manifested my intent?
- What are the consequences of obtaining my intent? Are they acceptable to me?
- If I could have it now or at the appropriate time, would I be ready?
Once you are clear, and there is nothing that conflicts with your heart’s desire, you can formulate your intent in a short and concise sentence. Make sure that it is stated in the present tense using simple language.
At first, your Sankalpa may begin as a conscious resolve, but when declared during a state of deep relaxation or meditation it prepares the ground for the intent to express itself in your life. It becomes a very powerful subconscious force that will bring about transformation and healing.
A Sankalpa may also be visualized as an image and felt and experienced with all your senses, not only during the practice of Yoga Nidra and deep meditation but throughout the day. It becomes a mantra that motivates you toward your heart’s desire.
To assist you in the process of implanting your personal Sankalpa we have created a professional quality CD recording of the technique. For more information visit our shop.