Your best day by Intention

Your thoughts, your words, and your actions control yourself self-image and your self-esteem; and how you see and feel about yourself affects how you perform and relate to other people.

One of the predominant processes of our thinking that are particularly evident when we are experiencing any personal limitation is that of questioning. How often have you heard people ask themselves questions such as: Why can’t I get motivated? Why am I such a failure? Why aren’t I successful?

These are whining questions – because they don’t lead anywhere useful, do they?
Even if you get an accurate answer, to any of the above, it doesn’t usually help very much. It’s more useful to ask yourself questions of possibility and action – questions designed to be more helpful and take your where you want to go. ‘How & What’ questions.

How can I get motivated? What is the solution here? How can I be more successful?
These questions are much more self-empowering because they direct your attention to possible solutions and affirmative action, rather than focusing on the problem or limitation.

Set Your Intention:

Think of some current ‘problem’ or limitation you’re currently experiencing. Identify the questions you typically ask yourself about this. Think of some alternative questions that would be more useful and direct your attention towards a solution or improvement.

You have now taken the first steps towards making impossible situations become possible miracles. Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible and suddenly… you are doing the impossible.