What is this moment offering me?

what-is-this-moment-offering-meThroughout the day we will be confronted with many opportunities to be disturbed and many opportunities to be in joy.  And in each moment we are given the blessing to choose how we will respond and feel.

It could be said that we literally create our experience based on whether we decide to cultivate a perception birthed out of love or a perception birthed out of ego mind. What we experience is the direct result of what flows from the inside out and not the other way around. Hence, exploring unhelpful perceptions and training ourselves out of them is imperative if we are to step into the fullness of our divine potential. For as we begin to explore them, we realise that we need to be open to the guidance from within and go beyond the noise of the ego mind. The ego mind is interested in holding beliefs and perceptions that demand perfection and approval from others to feel worthwhile. It requires physical and psychological comfort. It has set ideas of how the experience should be and confuses facts with the truth. It twists the evidence to justify our anger, greed, lust, and pride.

But when our perceptions are birthed out of love, we are only interested in celebrating the reality that we are perfect just as we are in our own uniqueness. The form that is expressing in any moment is seen as merely secondary, for forms come and go. The mind is free to abide in the eternal bliss of the moment, without the need to make, control, shape or change anything. It is here that we can experience authentic breakthroughs and transformations.

Celebrate then, and embrace each moment in your own uniqueness. Show up where you are guided to be without lamenting where you think you are supposed to be. Don’t be attached to the world’s definition of success and failure or to what others think. Trust in the inner guidance that operates through you in each moment. Give yourself permission to cultivate a mastery of allowing. Appreciate your oneness with all creation and begin to see that regardless of what is arising in each moment, you can choose to open your heart and simply ask, “What is this moment offering me?”

Blessings and Love,

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