Calming Caress (mp3)


Calming Caress – Releasing Anxiety

Hypnotic and Subliminal

Calming Caress is a wonderfully relaxing and calming hypnotic and subliminal recording echoed against a backdrop of specifically blended music, sounds and hypnotic language. This unique combination helps you create a shift in your mind to quickly get into a place where you can release anxiety and enjoy peace, calm and deep relaxation.

SKU: mp3-cc Category:


Track 1: Hypnosis with Embedded Subliminal Messages
You will hear spoken hypnotic suggestions echoed against a backdrop of soothing music blended with gentle ocean waves. Subliminal messages are recorded beneath the music.

Track 2: Soothing Music with Embedded Subliminal Messages
Consciously you will hear only the soothing music blended with gentle ocean waves: however, your subconscious will hear and receive the subliminal messages recorded beneath these relaxing sounds.

Important Information:
This hypnotic and subliminal recording is not intended to replace medical care. Rather it is intended to be used in conjunction with treatment that you may be receiving from your medical doctor or healthcare practitioner.

For best results we suggest that you listen daily for a minimum of 30 consecutive days, using stereo speakers or headphones.



Additional information

Weight55 g
Dimensions140 × 125 × 5 mm


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