Making Peace with What Is

woman-leaning-on-wall-350We live in a society that promotes notions of perfection to such an extent that we feel guilty and helpless when we perceive that we fall short of meeting them. We plead for the release of unpleasing conditions rather than understanding why the condition is upon us in the first place. But just for a moment, imagine how miraculous the world would appear if nothing we see, hear, feel or experience disturbed our peace? No matter what situation we would find ourselves in, we would remain in a perfect state of peace knowing the perfection of each moment. But to get to this place, we must first become aware of what it is that causes us not to be in a state of peace.

For example, when we have an illness, do we graciously accept the condition or do we condemn and deny the divinity inherent in it? In most cases, we reject it and then we feel guilty and powerless. And, when we feel guilty and helpless, it is inevitable that we will attempt to seek for the solution outside of us rather than looking within. We fail to recognise that all therapies are nothing more than attempts to heal and release fear-based misperceptions. And, we forget that our temporary physical condition does not define our divine, immortal nature.

When we make peace with what is, every therapy and every chance given to us to heal can become an opportunity to replace darkness with light and fear with love. If we refuse it, we throw away the gift of a heart at peace. Therefore, let us not lament our conditions and force change; instead, let us be in a state of hopefulness and acceptance and allow our perception about the condition to change. Our willingness to allow rather than force it will begin to transform our experience into something positive.

Sometimes the obvious is not always apparent and whether the condition heals on a physical level is not the real issue. For in some cases, it is possible that the physical condition can remain, even if the misperception has been corrected. It can be part of the soul’s karma to complete the incarnation under debilitating physical conditions for the sake of bestowing other gifts unto the self and others. The physical suffering has nothing to do with the healed perception. In fact, the enduring discomfort can become a way to accepting life with more gratitude and surrender and the experience itself can serve to expand our consciousness.

The burdens of guilt and powerlessness are heavy – they have no part in the divine plan. We all have a choice which we have the power to make. We can choose to release the guilt and correct our misperceptions and become greater love, or we can choose to remain in despair and suffering. We remain free to choose at all time!

Blessings and Love,

Angelica and Terence Atman

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